We look forward to having volunteers join us at school again soon!
Each family is required to complete 10 service hours per year.
**All volunteers must complete the yearly LFCA Online Volunteer Training Course, which can be found by clicking here. An approved background check must be on file with the school office as well.
Service hours must be logged in Gradelink to be counted! (Click the “Service Hours” link on the left side of the Gradelink Parent account)
Many opportunities are listed below!
A volunteer is many things; an extra pair of hands, an extra measure of individual attention for a needy child, an extra pair of ears for listening and a vital link between the school and home. Volunteers are one of the most valuable assets at LFCA; their time is highly valued and greatly appreciated. Volunteers are special because they provide and extra resource for the enrichment of all and serve as an example of service for our community, school, and church.
God gave each of us different gifts. Some of us were given the gift of financial management. Some of us have been given gifts of discernment. Others have been given gifts of compassion and patience. Whatever gift God has given, we hope you can find an opportunity to use it here at Little Flock Christian Academy.
“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men” – Ephesians 6:7
Volunteer opportunities are available daily and some evenings times will be made available as the need arises. Service hours can be met through activities such as:
- Field Trips – if you are asked to supervise children besides your own. Attending with your own children, a relative or friend is not considered supervising.
- Helping teachers – in the classroom before, during, or after school, please contact Room Parent or teacher for volunteer opportunities.
- Fall Festival – set up, working booths, clean up, helping with donations and things needed prior to the event.
- Designated Homeroom Parents – you will automatically receive your volunteer hours.
- Scheduled Work Days/Nights – watch for details on the web page scroller.
- Field Day – many volunteers are needed to work the events.
- Promotional Booth – at Kidsfest or other events like Open House etc. Watch for details on the web page scroller.
If you wish to opt-out of the mandatory service hours you can do so by paying a fee. Please contact Mrs. Tena in the office.
Other Volunteer Opportunities:
The PTF is a great way to support both parents and teachers.
Teacher Appreciation Week Coordinator – this person coordinates with PTF officers to plan teacher appreciation week activities to show the staff how much we love and appreciate them.
Christmas Shop Coordinator – this person will be in charge of the Christmas Shop, getting volunteers for the shop and restocking the shop daily.
Collection Coordinator – separate and go through all items that come in and send them home with each person helping.
Coke Rewards – these people will enter in codes and donate points to the school.
Room Parents/Grandparents,
Room parents are an invaluable resource at LFCA. In this role, you are an important part of many of the activities, events, and programs that make our school such a special place! Your help is greatly appreciated by the LFCA families. As a Room Parent, you have made a big commitment and we thank you for volunteering in our PTF! While taken very seriously, Room Parent responsibilities are a fun and rewarding experience for you, your child, teacher and entire classroom. Being a Room Parent enables you to be involved in your child’s educational experience and build relationships with other families. Room parents coordinate communication between individual teachers and families by collecting parents emails and phone numbers within their class and sending out information. They work together to encourage parent involvement in volunteer opportunities. The room parents coordinate volunteer opportunities within the classrooms, help communicate teacher expectations, help to gather chaperone’s for field trips and help interested parents coordinate on optional classroom gift for the teacher for birthdays, Christmas etc. They are responsible for planning and coordinating classroom parties and other activities with their teacher. They try their best to make everyone feel involved. Room parents communicate a positive message to the parents about Volunteering. Room parents coordinate with the PTF president and Vice-president about items the teachers’ needs in their classrooms. You are our eyes and ears. Room Parents help coordinate volunteers for their class booth for Fall Festival, Coordinate basket theme ideas, and collection of basket donations for the dance and auction. Room Parents are called upon during the school year to help with activities when needed. Room Parents are wonderful and the teachers appreciate the help.
Please be aware if you sign up to be a room parent you must be able to work with your teacher and complete your responsibilities. In past years we have had people sign up to be room parents and not be able to help their teachers. :) We are working hard this year to make sure your teacher communicates needs with each room parent. Please let us know if you would like to be a room parent next year for your students class. Your hours will automatically be fulfilled.
V You show up, the very moment we need you most,
O You look for opportunities to expand our learning coast.
L You are listening when soft words are being spoken.
U You understand and work to keep our hearts from being broken.
N Never is a word you remove from your mouth,
T Let’s take this to another level – even if we’re located in the South.
E Everything is possible – You help us to believe.
E Even despite all odds – our talented students will highly achieve.
R You rise to the occasion – that is without a doubt-
Our Parent Volunteers-We can never do without!!!